08 September 2009

Busy with This and That

I've been suffering from bloggers block as well as a general tiredness of the mind, body and soul lately. It's true, at least in my case, that physical work drains energy not just from the body but from the brain. I've been busy with lots of housework, canning vegetables and trying to keep my family together while at the same time wishing I could break free from it. I spend most of my internet time surfing music sites and playing around: I don't have the energy or brain power for much else, certainly not for deep thought. Hopefully this will change soon. For now though, perhaps I just need a little break.


RetroKali said...

I am feeling the exact same way. Let's just go with it.

Griffin said...

I know the feeling. Sometimes you need to do other things and let your brain and body rest up.

Have a long break and get good and refreshed... I'll miss you but I know that when you get back you'll be all new and full of wonders again.

Good to know you're ok tho'. Stay well and be happy o wondrous one.

Lots of love,


Livia Indica said...

Thanks guys. It's been a long couple of years and I'm drained in about every way. I need to get some energy and hope back and recharge my batteries.

Marya said...

Have agood break -- I'll miss you

Anonymous said...

Do what seems right. All things in their time...

Cygnus MacLlyr said...

Liv, you speak my soul quite clearly here...

Take what you need, Ladt I.

The entire blogosphere has waned for summer, but I bet, so many of you north enough to have naught else to do your cabin-fevered winters plays a role. It'll crank up again here in a month or so, watch.
Meanwhile-- sorry I haven't been around as much of late...

Same Sxhtuff... just don't wanna do that nor this nor...

Slainte, woman. And, RECOUP. We'll be here, Lady Indica.



Marion said...

Take all the time you need, Livia, but I do believe you'll be energized again before you know it! I'll keep checking in!

Livia Indica said...

Thanks everyone. It's great to know my online blogging friends are so understanding.