09 July 2009

Jewel Toned Sky

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This is a recent view from the backyard. If you look closely you can just make out the electric lines of our neighbors. Up until now I've had a firm stance about this: I refused to post pictures of the electric lines that ruined my view. But, since I can't get rid of them I'm just gonna have to deal. I still hate them as this was a perfect, perfect view.

In other news, I know I promised a while back that I would be creating some more collage art. Well, health issues are the main reason I haven't gotten to that. My crafty room is also the only room in the house without air conditioning and it being July has made it very uncomfortable up there much of the time. If I ever get my fairly minor health problems straightened out I'm hoping to spend some night times cutting and pasting. I'm still kinda hung up on copyright issues but will probably just say 'to hell with it' and do what I want. It's not like I'm making any money off of this little blog, now am I?

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