12 April 2009

Bunny Cake

Meet Rick, the gay bunny cake of Easter 2009. I decided he'd be gay in honor of the recent victory in Vermont. And since I made this one, all by myself, from scratch I got to choose his identity. Okay, okay, the frosting came from the store but that's only because our frikkin' mixer broke. I think we figured up that this is the 36th bunny cake we've made in our family. My mom started the second Easter my folks were married and only missed making one the year my brother was born and remained in the hospital (he was born with a cleft lip and palate) but I digress. Anyway, we do this every year and I took the reins this time around. I know it's not art but it's pretty crafty and considering I don't like to cook I thought I'd show it off. It's really easy to make. It's just two 9-inch round cakes. The two ears are cut out of the sides of one cake and the remaining piece is the bow tie. Getting the bow tie to actually look like a bow tie is usually the hardest part. If you want to make a really furry looking cake just use coconut.

This is the 2008 model. I think the lemon slices were meant to be glasses, perhaps in a Harry Potter motif. I honestly don't remember. I know, I know, what is a neopagan doing making a cake for Easter? Well, as I said above, my family has always made one. My mom is really the only Christian left in our family but long after she's gone I'll still be making a bunny cake.

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